Valpolymer was founded in 1924 as a family business for the production of buttons for garments and comes to us as a company specializing in the production of different products in the molding of polyurethane, thermoplastic and thermosetting resins for industry.



Our commitment to quality ensures more and more customer satisfaction. Everyone in the company is expected to provide customers with a high level of service in order to achieve the right balance between goals and results. From an organizational point of view, the qualitative system by which we proceed avoids possible errors from the outset, instead of dealing with them once they are identified, or at most allows the error to be identified and corrected at the source, for sudden solutions.

Corporate policy

Evaluation of effectiveness and efficiency

In order to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of our processes and, if necessary, improve them, the organization has provided tools for examination and evaluation according to the following indicators:

  • Internal and external verification of results
  • Process monitoring and goal achievement
  • Adequacy of resources and staff training for proper control, management and verification of activities and results

Business ethics

Sustainable development

Over the past few years, our company has grown not only in terms of income but also by improving our knowledge of available technologies with the aim of giving our customers the best products for safety and environmental protection.

Our mission is always focused by following science and technology, especially for products that are important for safety and environmental care. Our company will continue to pursue these goals over the years, with the help of our customers, to achieve better and better results. Safety and environmental protection, in all their aspects, are not only about our business activities, but are our commitment and passion.